Intersections File - Import

How to import an intersections file

Importing an Intersections File

To import an intersections file

  1. Activate theDataribbon and selectLoad | External | Other.

  2. The Data Import dialog is displayed so that you can select a Driver category and Data type appropriate for the file you wish to import. Use the ODBC driver to import tables from spreadsheets and databases like Access, Excel, Oracle, Ingres, Paradox and over 50 other SQL data sources. Use the Text driver to import ASCII text files containing comma separated or fixed width columns with a single header record.

    For more information, see:
    What types of data can I import?
    Using Data Source Drivers
    Creating an ODBC data source

    The operation of each driver varies according to the driver selected and the contents of the source file. For instructions on the use of a specific driver, choose the Help button on the driver dialogs displayed.

    The contents of the source file is then read into memory.

  3. The Define Drillhole Data Table dialog is displayed. Select [Intersections] in the Table Type box and assign the fields from the Table's field box to the parameters displayed in the Assigned Fields box.

To change a field assignment

    • Select the parameter name in the Assigned Fields box.

    • Select the correct field name from the Table's Fields box.

When an intersections file is imported, the program performs a number of additional tasks:

  • The intersection table is added to the drillhole table definition.

  • A table view sheet is created using default format settings.

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